Papers Grade Please

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4.5 stars (2votes)

You will like this game from the first few minutes. At first, you will pay attention to the three-dimensional drawing and well-developed game mechanics that will not let you get bored from the first minutes. This is an excellent school life simulator in which you have to visit a real classroom.
Your main task is to try out the role of a teacher. You need to seat the students when the bell rings for the lesson. You also need to distribute tasks properly for everyone so that no one is left out of school life. You need to pay attention to student progress every day.
This gameplay will not leave anyone indifferent. Here you can test your skills for the educational process, find a common language with a variety of students, and also become the best teacher in life. There are many incredible challenges ahead of you, so you should test your skills as a real teacher to gain experience.

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